After gaining my Master of Arts with Distinction in Graphic Design on 16th October 2023, graduation was next on the agenda. My classmates contacted me to ask if I would do the graphics for the forthcoming MA show, so around my full-time job I designed the following collateral for the show:
- MA Show brochure
- Posters
- Social media banner
- Digital display screen
promoting the show starting Monday, 6th November to 30th November 2023. We graduated at 11:45 am on Wednesday, 8th November and as we were onsite we had a private viewing for guests within the art and design industry.

For the brochure, I was asked to create it A4 landscape, with each participating student having 1 spread each, we were asked to write between 150 – 400 words about our work and submit 5 images and QR codes to our social media and websites. I spent evenings and weekends putting the brochure together and keeping a clean layout so that each student’s work became the star of the show.
The MA Show cover design consists of the letters ‘MA’ with lines coming through letters as if the letters are framed and held by wires in connection to the showcase.

The MA Posters are in line with the MA brochure cover artwork with further information about the show. This design has been translated across digital screens across The University of Huddersfield’s monitors.

As a thank you for the graphics my fellow class mates placed my display in primary focus of the entrance into the Barbara Hepworth Building entrance, I was surprised and thrilled at their lovely gesture. To the right of the of the board is a screen showing my digital work which show a screen recording of my website the site includes animations about the project.
One of the five MA modules called Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship was a course favourite.
This module aims to give a comprehensive overview of creative industries and the work it takes to start a business, agency or community project.
The focus is to merge your independent study within your own discipline with becoming adaptive to your peers – figuring out how your minds can meet with other subjects. You are expected to consider how your practice connects with the contemporary workplace for creatives, by engaging in research, practical work, networking, and reflective consideration towards the real world. Creative Innovation and Entrepreneurship is one of the most impactful modules within the MA. You are engaging in real-life experiences and obtaining valuable transferable skills for life after university.
On display is one of the collaborative projects I was a part of and can be seen below.
I have written 9 blog entries on the progress of this project here
Note: To start from the beginning scroll to the bottom and start at No. 1.
Graduation Day

At 11:45 am on Wednesday, 8th November 2023 I attended my graduation ceremony at The University of Huddersfield, I was excited to celebrate our achievements with my peers, family and friends. I feel proud of myself for gaining a Master of Arts in graphic design with distinction. Let’s see what challenge I do next. I wasn’t sure I could do this, it’s amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.

Above on the left-hand page, the right-hand column shows my name and those of my peers and awards.