Choose a research folio and reflect on how the practitioner has curated their own research. (500 words)
Through looking at the research folios from the University of Huddersfield, I have selected the folio titled ‘Application of VR & AR Tools for Technical Drawing Education,’ by Dr. Ertu Unver. The reason I have chosen this folio is that I am interested in learning about VR/AR and how the technology can be used as a teaching aid. I worked as a graphic designer for a healthcare equipment provider during the COVID-19 pandemic and during this time because of the restrictions in hospitals, my former colleagues were unable to enter the hospitals to provide training on acute medical beds and mattresses. This technology could be incredibly useful in the industry in those circumstances.
Dr. Ertu Unver’s looked into researching a VR/AR application to improve teaching and learning for technical drawing however the inferences from this research could be used for other practical uses. The objectives are the design and development of animation tools to enable the application to work, along with an evaluation of the product with international user groups which led to further iterations of the application.
This research used mix-methods of pedagogy and technology for a user-centered research approach, including a Design Centric Hybrid (DeCH) method. Dr. Ertu Unver’s primary research included an international survey of 320 technology-driven users. After user testing the application from his feedback, he continued further development and did a pilot test with controlled user groups, he collected data through a conceptual comprehension test.
Through his practice he used several various software applications including Adobe CC for storyboarding the graphics, through my experience as a graphic designer working at The Mill Group an animation/film production agency, I imagine, he would have done some sketches or scamps to work out and plan the storyboard and graphics before he used Adobe CC, although he has not mentioned it. He used SolidWorks for modeling and the assets from the applications were imported into 3D Studio Max for animation. The model race car that he used within his research was converted into polygonal data. He then applied the textures, camera, object, and movement. From this, he was able to use software called Unity to create interactive AR/VR applications with ARCore for the AR experience.
Through his case study, he developed applications for the six areas of technical drawing education and included a link showing the use and creative outcomes that have been generated demonstrating users felt engaged within the experience. The results from his research showed a 20% increase in learning development. This VR/AR application is now used globally and is available in multiple languages and is free to use. The resource is being used in global teaching programmes. Dr. Ertu Unver concluded his research paper by saying “While application of AR/VR technology is well researched and continually developing, the study of user experience and pedagogy, in this area, is particularly limited. The process of creating the AR/VR content is time-consuming if not developed using effective design and visualisation methods” (Unver, Dec 2019, p12).
Unver, E. (2019). Application of VR & AR Tools for Technical Drawing Education. University of Huddersfield, UK.,speculative%20design%2C%20textiles%20and%20photography.
Find 3 practitioners in your field of interest and one work for each practitioner that inspires you. Reflect on why you like these works. (600 words)

Wally Ollins was a British branding mogul, and his work still inspires today. I have two of his books, one of his books, I got back in 2006 on a colleague’s recommendation called ‘On Brand’ I remember having it delivered to work and when I opened the book, I glanced and said “someone’s written in this” on closer inspection I realised it was signed by the author himself. I was thrilled. Wally passed away in 2014, so I will cherish the book. The other book I have is called ‘Brand New’ which was published in 2014 so he wrote this shortly before he passed. I have read both books twice, but I admit it has been a while since I read them. Wally Ollins not only wrote informative and engaging books he was a practicing brand designer and consultant for organisations all over the world. Wally Ollins co-founded Wolff Ollins a London-based agency, this was the agency responsible for the branding of the London 2012 Olympics, at the time it was seen as controversial as it was seen by some as quite elementary, and the execution of the design system was successful. He was responsible for the design of BT and Orange phone network which is now EE.

David Ogilvy was another British mogul this time specialising in advertising, this is another practitioner who published a book I bought called Ogilvy on Advertising, he was or is famously known as the ‘Ad Man,’ his clever copywriting engaged captive audiences and helped companies sell products, from recollection he said it takes 5 times longer to write the headline than it does to write the main copy. The headline is a significant hook to engage consumers to find out more. Ogilvy worked in both America and Britain, his advertising work for print and TV included Volkswagen Beetle, Volkswagen Campervan, Guinness, Dove, and Marlboro to name a few. Being successful meant he co-founded Ogilvy and Mather a well-known advertising agency, still going today but just under the Ogilvy name. Looking at his work and the work of talented practitioners that work at the agency today is inspirational, clever creative advertising spins that engage consumers on FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods). To work for an agency of this calibre with this name on your CV will surely aid your success as a creative.

Josef Müller-Brookman is a Swiss graphic design mogul. I have always liked Swiss design for its clean simple no-nonsense structure whether that is for graphic design, product design, interior design, or architecture. It stays looking modern and appealing for decades. Müller-Brookman was one of the fathers of graphic design systems found through experiments and knowledge, his passion led him to teach in his field. He practiced graphic design from childhood, sketched, painted, and learned about forms through practice and study, and was a very talented artist. Grids, very much play a part in my work although some say it can hinder creativity (like David Carson, for example). I love geometric designs which also use grids, some of Müller-Brookman’s work consists of this, so it really appeals to me. Müller-Brookman’s famous for his concert posters in particular the ‘Beethoven’ and Filmed posters, the typographic layout in them still looks great today. As a practitioner, he studied throughout his life and at various institutions throughout Europe. He published a book called ‘Grid systems’ which I still need to get and read. I have seen over the years a lot of imitations following the style of his work.